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Puntuació mitjana 966 Ressenyes
tony Montero ha valorat a Google

Japonais a volonté, excellente cuisine . (Translated by Google) Japanese at will, excellent cuisine.

fa 2 mesos
Myriam B ha valorat a Google


fa 2 mesos
Albin COLLE ha valorat a Google

Excellent restaurant asiatique à volonté qui propose en plus une carte des boissons avec des tarifs défiant ceux des bars : l'occasion idéale de se prendre une bonne bière avec un plateau de sushis 🍣 🍺 Je vous conseille aussi le get27 du chef, il n'a pas la main lourde (Translated by Google) Excellent all-you-can-eat Asian restaurant which also offers a drinks menu with prices that defy those of bars: the ideal opportunity to have a good beer with a platter of sushi 🍣 🍺 I also recommend the chef's get27, he doesn't have a heavy hand

fa 2 mesos
Mrs Rrr ha valorat a Google

J'ai grave aimé. Assez grand. Très bon (Translated by Google) I really liked it. Large enough. Very good

fa 2 mesos
Amalie Léo ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Today, a group of our colleagues came here to eat sushi again. The sushi is so delicious, fast, fresh, and everything is great. Everyone says sushi chech here is so cheap and delicious. Their boss is very nice and our group of people are very polite every time we go. The atmosphere is great and the service is warm. (Original) 今天我们一班同事又来这里吃寿司这里寿司太好吃速度很快又新鲜什么都是很棒地。sushi chech大家都说这里'太便宜了而且又好吃。他们老板人很好我们_班人去每一次都很客气气氛很好服务很热情。

fa 2 mesos
Shaofen JIANG ha valorat a Google

fa 2 mesos
Pascal JACQUES ha valorat a Google

Très bien (Translated by Google) Alright

fa 3 mesos
Mayuu_ France ha valorat a Google

Bonjour, J'étais avec monsieur canette ! Le repas fut excellent, j'ai hate de revenir manger chez vous ! (Translated by Google) Good morning, I was with Mr. Can! The meal was excellent, I can't wait to come back and eat at your place!

fa 3 mesos
Adham ElBahrawy ha valorat a Google

fa 3 mesos
Amalie Léo ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Today, a group of our colleagues came here to eat sushi again. The sushi is so delicious, fast, fresh, and everything is great. Everyone says sushi chech here is so cheap and delicious. Their boss is very nice and our group of people are very polite every time we go. The atmosphere is great and the service is warm. (Original) 今天我们一班同事又来这里吃寿司这里寿司太好吃速度很快又新鲜什么都是很棒地。sushi chech大家都说这里'太便宜了而且又好吃。他们老板人很好我们_班人去每一次都很客气气氛很好服务很热情。

fa 3 mesos

Sushi Chérie© 2024
Avís legal

13 Boulevard Auguste Blanqui
75013 Paris, France

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per OKO
