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Puntuació mitjana 966 Ressenyes
Gabriel Romon ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Good value for money to fill your belly at lunch. The servers are not very friendly and seem to judge the customer. The room can get very noisy. (Original) Bon rapport qualité prix pour se remplir le ventre au déjeuner. Les serveurs ne sont pas très aimables et semblent juger le client. La salle peut devenir très bruyante.

fa 8 mesos
jean-christophe celestin ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
Chan Mi Lee ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
hairon wang ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) The food is very fresh. The service attitude is very good. The price is very reasonable. It's worth trying again. (Original) La nourriture est très fraîche. L'attitude du service est très bonne. Le prix est très raisonnable. Cela vaut la peine d'essayer à nouveau.

fa 9 mesos
Amalie Léo ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) I came here to eat sushi again today. The sushi is so delicious and fresh. Everything is great. Today, 40 colleagues from our company went to Sushi Chech together and everyone said it was so cheap and delicious. (Original) 今天又来这里吃寿司这里寿司太好吃了又新鲜什么都是很棒地。今天我们公司同事40个人一起去了sushi chech大家都说这里'太便宜了而已且又好吃。

fa 9 mesos
Tenzin Yutso ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
Shaofen JIANG ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
Jinyu Jiang ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Sometimes we have problems for consumers. Don't go and talk nonsense about other people's very good restaurants. They are cheap, fast, fresh, really fresh. They are all in this restaurant. The fried things are all great and fresh. There is also sushi. The skewers are all made right away, so they are very fresh. Today, ten of our friends came to eat sushi again. The fried skewers are all very fresh, fragrant, and fragrant. There is no need to be picky. It is great, very welcoming, and we love it here. A group of ten friends came here to eat sushi again today. The sushi here is so delicious and fresh. Everything is great. (Original) 有时候我們这为消費者也有问题不要去亂說別人非常好的餐厅又便宜又速度快又新鮮真的很新鮮他們這家餐館都是縣馬上炸的东西都是很棒很新鮮还有寿司還串燒都是馬上考的包因此特別新鮮.今天我们十个人定位朋友又过來吃寿司太棒炸的串的都是很新鮮很香很香沒有话可可挑剔真很棒很热情很喜欢这里又 我们一班朋友十个人今天又来这里吃寿司这里寿司太好吃了又新鲜什么都是很棒地。

fa 9 mesos
Thokmey Nyawang ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
Shaofen JIANG ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos

Sushi Chérie© 2024
Avís legal

13 Boulevard Auguste Blanqui
75013 Paris, France

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